The Great Legendary President of United States said: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, , shall not perish from the earth". This quote regularly comes to my mind once in a week, and my mind repels to say "Where are the Governments of the People, by the People, for the People? Where have they gone?" . When we see the functioning of the American Administration run by Mr. Donald Trump, elected by the American People in 2016, how do we feel? My mind suggests: The American Citizens ought to have elected Mr. Bernie Sanders , instead of Donald Trump or Ms. Hillary Clinton who were the Nominees of the Two Top Parties of the United States.
How right is Mr. Bernie Sanders, when he said:
"...We have got to have the guts to take on Wall Street, take on the pharmaceutical industry, take on the insurance industry, take on the 1 percent, create an economy that works for all. And while we do that, we bring our people, and that is black and white and Latino and Native American and Asian American together. I think that's the way you do it. ..."
`And we're beginning, beginning, beginning to see that.`
Mr. Bernie Sanders is already 77. Time is running out for him, to campaign for American Presidency, second time.I do not know why Americans neglected him.
Mr. Bernie is reported to have said | Comments of ybrao a donkey, not intended to be imposed on others |
`The power and greed of billionaires in the United States is threatening the country.` | Not `is threatening the country`, but `...is threatening the World...`. |
`We live in a nation owned and controlled by a small number of multi-billionaires whose greed, incredible greed, insatiable greed, is having an unbelievably negative impact on the fabric of our entire country.` | Greed of American Billionaires enhances the greed of the European Billionaires, Indian Billionaires, Chinese Billionaires, Russian Billionaires. |
`Billionaires and their greed are to blame for any number of social problems in the United States.`. | Their Greed is like the Tentacles of an Octopus. |
`When we deal with climate change, when we deal with the economy, when we deal with housing, when we deal with criminal justice or immigration issues, we have got to deal with those in a holistic way, and understand why all of that is happening. Not see them as silo-ized separate issues. A lot of that has to do with the pervasive power of the ultra rich in this country. | Their pervasive power extends to the whole world. |
It is the responsibility of America to look at the extreme gap between the rich and the poor.` | But America will not discharge its responsibilities. Nor will the Economists of the IMF or the World Bank or the Harvard will not guide them properly. |
`What you have here is, first of all, massive income and wealth inequality. And as a nation we have got to think from a moral perspective and an economic perspective whether we think it is appropriate that three people, one, two, three, own more wealth than the bottom half of the American society. (Bill Gates, Amazon Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffett). | Not only entire American Nation, but also the whole world is blind, deaf and dumb to bother about moral or economic perspectives. |
`You know, that's really quite outrageous, and it's appropriate that we take a hard look at that`. | Who will look?????? |
`The influence wielded by the ultra-wealthy is visible in politics and the media.` | Everywhere else also. |
`They don't put their wealth under neath their mattresses, right. They use that wealth to perpetrate, perpetuate their power. And they do that politically.` | I wish that Bernie Sanders will succeeding in waking up the American Nation. |
`So you have the Koch brothers ($48b.) and a handful of billionaires who pour hundreds of millions of dollars into elections, because their Supreme Court gutted the campaign finance laws that were in existence, and now allow billionaires quite openly to buy elections.` | They are setting examples to Billionaires in the other parts of the world. |
`If I am a billionaire, it is likely that I will have control over media, as well.` | Everywhere in the world, same situation. |
`So you have a handful of media conglomerates owned by some of the wealthiest people in this country and in the world determining what the news is; what is appropriate for the American people to discuss and not to discuss.` | Identical situation prevails in India. That is the 'mAyA' of Capitalism. Every human becomes a Slave of Capitalists. |
`I am encouraged by the youth and diversity of many of the incoming Congressional leaders.` | Sanders in United States, seems to be more optimistic. But, the situation in India is different. Here sons of billionaires and bureaucrats, whether parents are Politicians or not, will try to rule like Princes, all the States of India, and the Indian Nation. |
To continue adding / deleting / modifying.